Baby when the light starts to fadee..fire up the lighter..

That could have been a lyric from a song but since I forgot how it goes..I’d say..that is whats playing in my head. I love those words and reason is.. Hope. I mean..you just dont give up without trying..right?

Anyway, Emotions..I got surprised that just this word is so vast and a part of me wished I’d chosen a course related to it..ps: my course currently is still okay..just so tough.. An emotion course would be more interesting.

Strong feeling deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others… describes emotion and we’d also use feelings as synonym. We get sad, angry, happy, and all these are the different forms of emotions. I wouldn’t say alot because everything is all over internet. I personally couldn’t have enough .

Its midnight and I am so awake, I’d blame the insomnia on the power naps I kept having during the day but well maybe I could be wrong. You know..I never thought I’d ever write.. I’m a journal keeper so I’d say I’ve always loved writing down my thoughts and all.. But the courage to just put up my thoughts for the whole world to get to see..never crossed my mind..so basically that is what I’m thinking right now.

Anyone whose ever read my posts would guess what exactly I’m about to talk about.. And this has taken me like forever since my latest post because… I’m a learner…. Each and every single day.. Things that are so new happen and sometimes its hard to have a stand. Earlier i said.. Emotion happens due to circumstances, mood, relationships.. And also saidd…i dug deeper.. Emotions change .. disappear.. you can be happy because you have a present..and when you get used to the present.. It becomes a norm and so the happy feeling isn’t brought as much..so hence..emotions fluctuate

I wanted so bad to get why love is different..why unless you didn’t really love.. Love feels so strong and lasts so long.. Love is a stronger emotion.. And since i couldn’t get any more useful information on love and it possibly being an emotion.. I chose to relate instead.. And i honestly hate to admit that i hate so much that love took from me..unless it doesn’t..which I’m yet to figure out. I mean, love is a blessing when its given at the right time..with the right people..and what do you think..if love hurts, if it makes you feel so low, so not accepted, makes you doubt so much, is it a curse? Or is that even love?

So many times i get mad .. so mad with no one to point fingers at..for being so young with so much wounds and regrets..failures and what makes me more angry is the fact that.. I chose to love so early.. Its so easy to try being okay but what if all one needs is answers..those that are able to make one have a stand..why is it so hard to just tell oneself the earlier the better ? Because what if everything could have waited when we were so ready to face whatever life threw? A voice keeps saying it gets better, you forget them and eventually move on..

The respect, trust, loyalty, honesty that was thrown back at you..all happened for a reason..what reason? And why is all that thought and many more depriving us of what we desire? Ooh or is it because we let it? You think its so easy to stop it all? When you barely know what you’re fighting against?

You ever sat to just wish you never started so many things? Trusted no one ? Just been you and you all through? Because at least hurting yourself you might have answers to why you hurt yourself?

I’m just so clueless on how these questions could be best approached so…I appeal to whoever has better ways of getting someone who wants to feel safe and move on from a lot..or any recommendations or a blog post that could help..Ill be waiting in the comments section.

Today’s chosen blog post link is below..most touchy line for me says..enjoying in the bliss of the moment.. Check it out and leave your views and touchy line too in the comments section.

Facing the illusion

~Be happy, especially when its hard to~


I honestly didn’t have a clue of how to put that up…criticizing? Critics? And google decided for me..so Criticism had it. I got so many definitions from google..again..and since they had every word the way I didn’t wanna bring it out..I decided to use it my simple way.

To criticize is to make fun of something finding its faults. Being a critic is finding faults and saying them out loud concerning something..I’m tempted to add that its not closer to teasing because with teasing..it might be false..or jokes about something.

This is such a no go for me.. I hate critics..or say the act of criticizing.. Being human is all about having faults, making mistakes and aiming for perfection. Then, someone just decides to criticize whatever you got going on..or how you’ve worn or how you live.

You ever just sat and wondered why its so hard to share the love, the optimism, the urge to be better and kind..because critics do just the opposite. So a lady walks in with whatever she has..say a purse, or a cool outfit or even a guy and someone just decides to ..”hey, you look great..but i wish you were taller or thicker..you’d look better” honey..was it so hard to just shash at ..great?

I always find it hard to get why someone would compliment someone and even add faults .. Correction is fine.. But pointing out faults that someone can’t rectify is just never polite ..something that can hurt someone or make their self esteem lowered..that’s a No! You see a lady whose tried to put on makeup …all the efforts put in it and your eyes only see the breakouts that couldn’t be covered! And not even knowing how much the person has to go through to accept the presence of those breakouts..you criticize the person..and still claim you say what you felt you should.

All that chanting was to bring the point home..so we all get exactly what I was talking about. People have a lot going on..every single person has something they wish they could change..some even wish they never existed and us making it worse for them is the most cruel thing to do. I just hope we try so hard to tame what we say, especially when we have a chance to rather see the good. If that’s hard, then why not just shut up.

A sister that I really look up to and so proud of for everything she’s got going on posted something that you all should check out..share,like and comment..here’s the link


You’re gonna be fine!

So this challenge is about a topic close to my heart and I chose what depression to me feels like and how its never the end..as much as it always looks like it is!

Depression is a huge deal..and I wouldn’t say I was a victim but I’d say for me it felt like I actually was one..and reason why I could be doubting is that I feel fine like there never were bad days.

I’m thinking of how I’m gonna explain how I felt then and what I’d say about being depressed and somehow its really hard to just put it all out for reasons I can hardly tell. Since this is one topic I really hold close..I’m doing it regardless..so keep up with me and let me know what you think in the comments section..was I really depressed ?

So growing up I faced quite a lot ..from family feuds to losing people that I really held close to my heart.. I even once saw one of my extended favorite family member trying to commit suicide by taking poison and I remember crying really loud because being young..you couldn’t figure out a way to help the situation..so crying kinda did come through because it creates attention and people come to help..so I’d say thats how she survived..she’s strong and I love her for being such a strong person later on after few counsels.

I shared that incident because I’m gonna need you to get why making some decisions seemed easier for me. So I got to boarding school in class 7 at an age I ain’t gonna tell😂..and the very first day..I was called a thief! Hold up..I didnt steal anything..I mistakedly got into a different class and opened someone’s locker thinking it was mine..I honestly thought it was. So a better part of that term..I was scared..alone and being away from home,homesickness became a part of me.

Life wasn’t easy..and it never became easier but we move..right? Then I get to highschool and I tell myself that if this is where I need to find myself..where I need to know who I really am then I gotta be careful. I never got myself any close friend because I thought all they do is make me fit in and thats has never been my cup of tea.. I didn’t want anyone to make me do things because I hadn’t even known me yet..making that decision was one great thing I did if you ask me. Its totally okay to have close ,best friends but again..totally optional not to..so be you

Like I’d said..I came to highschool hoping to find myself..and no one said it was going to be easy. I had bad normal days and really smooth days..and sometime in the middle..I couldn’t do it..I got lost and people started talking..ooh society!! Honestly..I hate people who talk but..they still do so (^_^)..I lost friends which wasn’t a big deal because I never made them really close friends..and I became a loner..I wouldn’t say thats where depression kicked in because some would say it was my fault.. I mean..why didn’t I have friends?..I’ll tell you what happened and why I lost my way.

So I auditioned for a club and I was an inch to getting in but didn’t..I’d given it my all and everyone told me that I’d nailed it and I was gonna get in..but well.. You never have to count your chics before they are hatched because I never got the chance to join .I got devastated..it was hard to accept because of lots of reasons and that was when I realized..you just can’t trust anyone..not even your friends! And that clearly..real is rare and so when you find it..keep it!! That feeling that I had inside was killing ..I couldn’t even think straight..I thought it was all over. I couldn’t bare the pain..it was too much.

That day,was on a Sunday..I walked back to my room twice as slow wasting all the time I had ( I always never had time to drag my feet .ever..because I needed that time to go through my past papers or look for my weak areas in different subjects..yes..I was that focused 🤧😂) I had no strength left and probably you could be wondering how that club was a big deal..no it wasn’t..I just never knew that someone could work soo hard and still not get it..I didn’t know that sometimes its all about hope and not the effort because not everyone sees your effort..not everyone cares about how much energy you put into something ..people are hurt less and sad thing is..for them..they don’t give a damn and that we gotta learn to deal with it. I didn’t know that I had to learn that life gives us lemons even to the undeserving and that when that happenss..we need to make lemonade..honestly..how was I gonna make one..I didn’t know how.

When I got to my room..I had like 7 roommates and none was in then…but that didn’t matter because I couldn’t open up to any of them..so i started thinking..what am I going to do? I need to be fine!! And each time I thought ..I remembered how much I’d given to get to the club and the more I did the more I felt it inside until I decided that I was gonna end it all..I decided that I’m gonna die..sounds crazy now.I took my razor blades( which was illegal to even have one) and went upstairs ..somewhere private and decided to cut myself on that place on one’s hands that makes you bleed to death😂( biology pun intended**if there’s something like that) well to cut it short..I’m not dead and that’s why I’m sharing this now..and the pain didn’t really end..and so I decided to keep it in and act strong but I ended up hating people and never trusted anyone since..so it was always me against the world..

I’d say thats how I lost my way but it entirely wasn’t because I just took a different path and decided that its gonna be my new way..it came with lots of benefits and it was kinda fun. But it was exhausting..I got tired and I realized I was straining. So well..slowly..I started coming back but I never forgot what ever happened and it made me close up to everyone..the few friends that stuck around only got to know what I allowed. So I came back to the old path but with new restrictions and well..highschool was over and I knew what I wanted..I knew who I was and how I’d run away from things that would harm me..now that’s where I didn’t get a 100% score because..there are things we never run away from..somethings we need to deal with .. Or better some lemons come and we make lemonades not throw them away. So thats why later after highschool I still got experiences that tore me apart and this time since I hadn’t taken the right action earlier..everything came falling on my face like it was all new..and it fucked me up !

This is the how it tore me apart…(to avoid lots of narrations of what really happened.)

I cried myself to sleep almost every night. I used to take a mirror and look at myself to find that thing that was so wrong with me that couldn’t let me be happy..I felt like my world wasn’t mine..my crown was in pieces and I had no one to talk to..at least not anyone who could understand what I was feeling..inside me I felt lifeless and valueless ..I felt it like deep down i was dying or might die in my sleep and I wasn’t even scared because I felt like I didn’t belong anywhere..no one knew what was going on because I had to make sure no one does..it was my fault anyway..I told myself that . The sad thing is I got injured by people who knew that I was fragile and that I couldn’t sustain it..I got injured by people who knew that I had risked letting them into my personal space…they knew how much time I’d taken to trust them and how much that meant to me..and looking back on how I had been through the highschool experience..I didn’t get why I took that risk yet I clearly knew that people can be hurt less and they don’t give a damn and it’s always..you go deal with it!! I knew who I was..I knew what I wanted until I let them into my world to decide ..to make me see what wasn’t mine and I liked it..I liked them around..I liked talking about my issues with them ..every bit of it..I shared everything to them like they lived inside of me or were a part of my life and I thought that they were alleged to know.

I didn’t know how I was gonna handle..betrayal,hurt less behavior,how stupid they made me look,how I didn’t mind about my self respect..all that made me think so much..what was even left of me?.. I couldn’t take it but I needed to face people the next day and still be the hyped up girl. So during the day, I got busy..and when it was all over..I got back to drowning in my own thoughts..wishing they’d come back and say they are sorry..but again..each time I wished..I felt double the pain because I needed actions and not words..and it never happened or maybe I never saw any..coming back home.I made mistakes ..I ended up hurting people..I got rid of the good ones that came around and I got saved from attempts of wanting to die..but the irony is..when it got all harddd..I didn’t wanna die..I wanted to feel a different pain..I wanted to be sick physically because we never decide when to die..took me long enough to figure that out.

The struggle got on and off for almost an year and a few months. Each time it got harder and I’m here now telling you ,you’re gonna be fine. All that is will end some day or become less painful..the kinda pain that you can endure and I thank God so much that it never took who I am from me..that it never turned me into a monster and that I got over it and forgave every person.

Ps: opting to commit suicide to end the pain was one of the effects of what I saw happening when I was growing up. I thought if thats how it ends..then I can do that too..so try as much as possible to let your kids not see certain things.

Since this is becoming longer than I expected..I’ll say how I went about it till I got over it in one of the challenges post of’ what I’m most grateful for’ so stay tuned. Above everything else you matter and you deserve to be happy so God will make sure that through it all..you be the best version of you and get to find what makes you happy.

Lots of love,


Light and pretty

Been awhile now
Well, okaaay
Quiet a long while
But I found something
Something light and pretty

I look at her every time
sometimes, I smile
because those times,
I see no imperfections
I see a perfect being

at times though,I frown
because I realize she’s flawed
no, its okay to be flawed
but she sees it differently
and it hurts that she does

she’s light and pretty
weak and strong
brave and afraid
strong willed and unsure
she’s all that

you know,I still like her
actually, I’ve fallen for her
because, she’s real
and she tries everyday
she tries to be who she wants

wait , did I say she’s light
I mean light ..tiny …light
maybe because she’s insecure
because maybe no one’s into tiny
so maybe that’s why she’s scared

I thought my life ended that day
when I made the worst mistakes
but truth is..thats when it started
and its getting way better
because,I’m still light and pretty!

Still on the 15 things challenge!! Glad to be back..hope you enjoyed the poem ..receive lots of love ❤

The Relationship

This is among the 15items of the challenge..you’ll be hearing this a couple of times..because I just wanna keep us in that mood.

Well..hey again awesome ones❤

..I’m so psyched up about this because somehow I’m gonna figure out alot myself.

I’ll focus on the relationship that I’m well conversant with ..which in my case is the romantic relationship.So guuuyysssss let’s talk about love..shall we❤? The challenge described it as..my point of view on anything that’s related to relationships ..so in short I’m gonna talk about..My point of view towards the romantic relationship ( picture me holding some microphone ready than I could ever be😂). Enough with the psyche…let’s get into my heart and mind.

It all starts with wanting to be more than friends.

To cuddle in the cold night..and dedicate songs to us..to fall in love too deeply😭😭❤ that if we ever let each other go..’that shouldn’t ever be an option💯’because its gonna tear us apart.

I’m not going to use the word lovers because I don’t like it..so for a romantic relationship … Two souls are in love… Being in a RR( using that to replace romantic relationship ) for me first is a BIG deal.. Its being able to feel safer in this one person than in any other. The fact that I see you as someone whose more than a friend .. You’re more like a gem..a precious stone…you’re a treasure ..so basically I value you because you belong in here( I’m holding my heart) .

RR is more like a decision that has been made with lots of thought and if you ask me..its not dependent on the things you see.. Its the hearts decision and so for me..I view it as the heart’s bidding or choice of liking. You at some point tell each other that ..you’re holding my heart and vice versa. As much as it sounds impossible..fact is we’ve held people’s heart at some point and some held ours…so its risky because sometimes..we hold the wrong hearts and other times we let go of hearts that were meant for us..RR is full of bad but teachable decisions..but at the same time..it makes us choose the risks worth taking.

I don’t know how to put this… But for me being in an RR would mean we complement each other..it sounds weird because we’d say that ..its just a relationship not marriage buuut since this was my point of view guys😂.. I need to find a me that’s incomplete in you .. I need to not want to call someone else when you are my everyone else..you know like to be able to feel the love and just never want to feel any other..its more like a whole new world that’s full of roses..wait..do roses have thorns? If yes..well even when it pricks there’s something that I just wouldn’t wanna be away from..its more of the you that completes me..that can make this soul stay❤

What’s the point of being in a RR when I can’t be afraid of losing someone?its all about hope..hoping that we’ll grow into this and learn and make it. Everyone I ever loved.. I feared losing them and when I did..and I got hurt and all… I still wouldn’t love someone and not fear losing them unless I didn’t at all. Maybe its not safe because not everyone is good buut why did you take the risk of being in a RR..because it was worth the risk? Right? And if you have reasons like because you were lonely..gerrarrahia!😂( get out of here)I’m not talking to you because that is something else…sorry to say..So if you love..take it easy but love hard ..if you are okay with them not being around then just don’t risk taking it far..please!! ..ps: I love enough to not want to lose 😪❤💯..because then..I know I have truly loved and if someone else does then I know I am loved.

RR is for the strong ..but if you are weak you become strong in the process 😪😂..its about embracing the bad days..the pillow cries at night when no one’s awake ( when those single fellas sleep😂💀) ..its about you being misunderstood and you misunderstanding actions or words..its about you feeling less loved when truth is they’ve either moved on,gotten tired,fallen out of love,or are just busy and can’t bring their head around everything including you..its about giving people space and time even when you fear that they’re gonna forget you..its about not being able to feel the vibe and they suddenly don’t care..its about waking up to finding that you love someone so much that it scares the shit out of you ..its never all good if you ask me ..but even with all this its the best thing that you can ever feel because ALL THESE IS ABOUT YOU BEING HUMAN.and that’s totally okay..and maybe for some it’s not all about that. ..but for my point of view sake’s..its that

Lastly..in a RR ..you need to be real!its fun that way😂😂💯..anyway..beware of toxicity and run from it babbbyyyyy😩😂💯.

I’m done though there’s alot that you guys have and I’d like to hear or know sooo can’t wait to read in the comments section. Thank you so much for reading this post yet again. Be safe as you love and don’t forget to love yourself even more.


I lied
you remember then
when I said..youre free
that you could do anything
that I’d let you go..

I lied
I said that I’ll be fine
I told you to be happy
I said you’d go for it
you know,whatever made you happy

But I still lied
I didn’t want you to go
and I didn’t want you around
because you still weren’t here
so I did what I had to do

I lied
when I told you its okay
that you could love another
even my best friend
well,I thought you’d not

I lied
when I told you
that I’m gonna find someone
better and more loving
someone who’d stay forever

I still lied
even though I’d say
that I didn’t know then
that what I was saying
was all but just a lie

I still lie
to myself every night
that I’m gonna wake up
and forget all those good times
all those bad ones too

Maybe I lie
because I can’t have you
Like I used to..hold onto you
and kiss you while holding your neck
so I’d rather let my mind decide

Maybe I lie
because there’s no coming back
there’s no hope or light at the end
because you took it all
you left me just one thing..memories

So I’ll still lie
that I’m hoping everything fades away
because it never does..I’ve tried
you don’t feel it like I do
or you do..

Ps:The photo is a screenshot of a part of a series called The Resident. That kiss is very personal to me😂😂😂💯

Just do it_while you still can..

Or for some..you rather see it this way..do it while it still lasts. We lose things,people,memories,happy moments and so much more we wish we’d never lose. Sometimes, we realize we never took time to appreciate that person, say proper goodbye to that awesome human, used that special thing properly..we regret or wish if only they’d be given back ..we’d do much more than what we did with them when they were at our disposal.

So this time my mum gets a call and she’s so frustrated and wailing..that was a death call..her only grandmother alive after her parents died..was no more. For the record, she was my most closest grandma and the only person I ever told I had a boyfriend😂..she was my favourite. May God rest her soul in peace! I was sad too but mum felt her absence more than anyone because she was the only link or memory of her late mum. ( I’ve always told my conscious that the kinda strength my mum has should be instilled in me..she’s the strongest and prettiest mum I’ve come to really admire). She had to go..immediately..and so I was to take her to our stage.

I wouldn’t say I regret not saying goodbye to grandma..no..because she advised me way earlier and looking back..that was definitely a goodbye. Here is where my regret comes..I didn’t hug mum and tell her its okay. Guys..I had my mum all the way to that particular stage..she was literally sobbing and all I could do was stare..just stare!!! Maybe I’m not supposed to feel bad coz in my defense..it’s not a regular thing at home to just hug someone..its always..you, your problem against the world..but that isn’t enough to make me feel better for not making an exception and show some love and support..I mean..it wouldn’t hurt right? But I didn’t and I only realized how it hurts to see how broken she was and do nothing after that bus left. To be honest, when I tell you to just do it while you still can..I mean it!

I’m guessing I’m this one person who’s too protective of everything that I say including my feelings..you know..I remember dating this guy who ..looking back now..I feel I never told I loved for as many times as I should have..I never called him any fancy name( guys where do you get the courage to call someone cute names..its always a milestone to even find them nicknames🤦🏻)I used to think that if I told him every time he’d see how weak I can get and they’d hurt me. As much as I was trying to protect myself..I was losing someone who deep down I’d really loved..he was my world**name them..and when he left..I wished I’d said I loved him and all quite often. You know like..maybe he could have remembered and came back to ‘us’. So guys..tell that person how you feel every time..tell them you love them and given the chance to show them..babygirl..handsome one..show them like thats the last day. Just live the moment and make the best of every bit of it because..some never come back and some never last that long.

Some respect for those who do just this..I’m proud of how strong and hopeful you are. To us who find it hard to open up and say what we feel inside..we gotta do what has to be done..we got this.

Anyway, at the end of the day..you should remember you matter so be happy always. UNTIL next time ..be safe and feel loved always.

Liebster Award

Guys guys guys!! I’m back

..not like I was lost..i just feel like its been long since I posted the nominations posts ..I’ll be posting all of them now so no biggie .

First, thank you so much Cyndie for the nomination. I’m so humbled. Cyndie’s blog is one of the blogs that you’d always never get enough of..she has this sense of humour that comes with it..you wouldn’t wanna miss!! So guys..check her out!!!

The rules

1. Thank the Blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog

2. Answer the 10 questions given to you.

3. Nominate other Bloggers.

4. Ask your nominees 10 questions.

5. Notify your nominees once you have uploaded your post.


1.When and why did you start blogging?

I started blogging like 2 months ago..it was all because I wanted to reach out to the hurting,loners,depressed ..basically those who felt like life isn’t worth being lives because that was how I felt and I knew that if I help someone get up and fight..I was gonna fight too. It helped me.

2.Who do you like most?

Wow! I like all the kind people who no matter how hard life is..their kindness is unmeasurable…those are the people I like most.

3.What motivates me during hard times?

The people that depend on my blog’s message to feel at least better…Women like Priyanka..her speeches make me wanna keep going. Among many others..There’s this series called Blind spot..Patterson is currently my motivation

4. What’s my favorite color?

Baby purple or a lighter shade of pink ( I confuse it with baby pink but it isn’t )

5. What’s my first ambition?

Heh..to be independent ( hope that makes sense)

6. Who are the 3 friends in my life?

Mugure,Gloria,Ted..( I have lots of friends..I find these the realest there is)

7.What’s my hobby?

Writing things in my diary ,watching series, swimming ( I love sleeping too but I feel guilty being lazy..so I’m trying not to enjoy it)

8.What’s my favorite quote?

Be irreplaceable…( from priyanka chopra’s speech and column)

9.Describe me in one word..

Over thinker

10.What’s your favorite movie?

I’m so much into series but for a favorite movie I loved Everything Everything…anything to do with love thrills me!!


Anyone watching Blind spot series..let me know in the comment section💃🏻.

For the questions..answer any 10 questions you’d want your followers and visitors to know❤.

Thanks for taking time to read through awesome ones..hope you’re September is getting awesome by the day…and if it isn’t…keep fighting fighter..you got this! And I care for you so much..you matter.

A read on this one wish.

Closed my eyes and made a wish..I actually make a wish whenever I see it. It doesn’t come out everyday ..not like the sun that you’ll see setting and obviously wait for it to rise and boom! there it is..no unless you guys tell me..I can’t predict when the rainbow appears and each time it does..I always smile( I wish some astray photographer one day captures me staring and smiling without me noticing..I’d keep that photo for eternity)

The fact that I don’t see it coming amuses me and makes it special . So when I make my wishes and see no change or maybe when the wishes ain’t getting fulfilled..I kinda tell myself that ‘maybe I’m not gonna see it coming’ . The one wish has always been a perfect family of my own. Who doesn’t love success?like a happy future with all things achieved and just a great husband whose supportive and all the traits you can think of? At least a handful does ,so do I…but why though? Or how do you feel about it? Or how much of a big deal is that? Maybe we can stop here and say that..we never know what the future has in store..but I’d rather we go on.

For someone like me who keeps making wishes for a happy family and love all over..I should be having reasons why I really need a happy family and its because..I wanna be able to come home and say I’m glad to be back home .To be honest..I wish I knew how it feels to be glad..its not because I don’t have a home..I do..its because its never a happy home!.I’ve always lived with fear..just the thought of having to find myself in the same situation like it was in my home while growing up paralyses my optimism sometimes. So to have a happy home is a big deal to me.

I was trying to bring out a point by describing my home in the most safe way and I’m about to explain. You don’t have to see the good coming and even if it never comes ..that doesn’t mean no good can come your way. So yes, I’m a loner in my own family and they hardly know what I go through when hell breaks lose but every time I see the rainbow I smile. Deep down I always believe that if there’s no good now..then hold on to that thought of what tomorrow holds. The few that feel left out and worse that we’ve been quarantined ( not the sick kinda quarantine)..you should know that sometimes you need to get your own back and win this..tomorrow holds greater stuff and so may your hanging on pay off..**may our

Again ..until then..hang in there just like I am because the rainbow will come again and we’ll make wishes smiling. This was what I was to take care of ..kinda did kinda didn’t but we choose to see the brighter side and thank you guys a lot for your love and wishes ..warms my heart to be cared for this much.❤.

One of my ‘funfacts’

Hey guys this is gonna be a really short piece but I hope it helps someone . I’m not so up to date with my blog because I’m currently facing alot that I need to really take care of( I’m gonna be fine though) .

Whenever I feel like I’m losing it and I just can’t spell it out. I can’t bring myself to figure out what’s up with me or I can’t find the courage to share it with people I love or trust or both, I always have a plan B.

I go to my gallery. I stare blankly but keenly at my snaps and anyone that inspires me..in this case its Priyanka Chopra and there’s this actor in Blinspot series called Patterson. I feel a little strengthened to keep hanging in there because soon I’ll find my way home.

Maybe the next time I’ll tell you guys why these two inspire me but for now..I wrote to let anyone who feels like its not being fine ..like when you try to make it seem fine it doesn’t. That all you do is make mistakes and make some more..I want you to know that you’re not facing that alone and that you don’t need to give up. Like always; the tide turns when we least expect it ❤.

I love you all for always taking time to go through my writes and I just hope its never a waste of your time. Again, thanks everyone who’s followed my blog, liked,shared,commented and gave me new insights. I’m just really glad I met you all!